Monday, June 30, 2008

Three Cheers for Glenn

Yesterday I went to the Marriott Center at BYU in Provo, UT and heard Glenn Beck speak in person. (You can read all about it here). It was awesome. He made me laugh, cry and think. One of the things that he said that really stood out to me (because it was a bit of a departure from the norm for him) was that things really aren't so bad. We have a lot to be grateful for things are going to work out. To quote from his blog, "I know we are going to be okay. America is not just going to survive, we are going to again prosper. " He also talked about the importance of families in buoying each other up during difficult times. It reminded me of a favorite quote from President Hinckely. "Things will work out. Keep trying. Be believing. Be happy. Don’t get discouraged. Things will work out." Anyway, I really like this guy. He's funny, smart and remarkably, not too full of himself (unlike many other talk radio personalities I've listened too before). If you haven't listened to him before give him a try. He also has a great show on CNN. At least check out his website. Go on. Do it.


Danielle said...

SO jealous. SO, SO jealous. Lucky duck!

Heather O said...

Those are such great quotes! I love them, thanks for sharing.

Rencher Fam said...

I'm a big Glenn Beck fan too! I was so mad when I read that he was the speaker at the Freedom Festival and I didn't know! It sounds like it was amazing. Also, Happy Anniversary!