Monday, June 02, 2008


 100_3220 I keep waiting for Nate to "grow out of it" --the "it" being  his finding any and all types of mischief to get into--but it's not happening. He did this right under my nose the other day (quite literally since it was the smell of peanut butter that alerted me to his shenanigans). My question is "why?" Why would my child shove both of his hands into an economy sized  jar of peanut butter and decide to give himself a facial with it? When he has all the toys and books he has, why does he turn to peanut butter for entertainment? 100_3217Why on earth would he think that this was a good idea? And most intriguing perhaps: why won't he eat a peanut butter sandwich, yet he will slather it all over his hands and face? Perhaps my future rocket scientist son knows some heretofore unseen benefits to peanut butter as a moisturizer. Does  peanut butter possess superior UVA protection or help the brain develop through being absorbed through the skin? These are questions to which I am seeking answers. One thing I know for certain is this: I am very glad that my Nate is not allergic to peanut butter.


Amy said...

LOL! I am going to have to try that the next time I need to beautify myself. :)

Heather O said...

Wow, seriously that kid never ceases to amaze me! Like Melanie always reminds me when I laugh at her kids, it is only funny because they aren't mine. Good luck, you may need it!

Mauri said...

Oh my gosh. That's hilarious! The funniest part is that he doesn't eat peanut butter. You could maybe see the line of reasoning if he liked the stuff (maybe), but that is so funny. I personally think he was testing the consistency to see if it would make good "jet pack" fuel.