Sunday, July 27, 2008

Deep Thoughts

This morning I got a call before church from one of the teachers in the Primary (the children's organization). She was sick and hadn't been able to find a substitute so I told her not to worry about it, that I would fill in for her. It was the CTR 5 class (five year olds and 4 year olds who will turn 5 this year). There were 7 kids in the class (only 2 girls) and I hadn't had an opportunity to look at the lesson ahead of time so it had the potential to go poorly. Fortunately after being in the Primary for several years, I was somewhat familiar with the lesson and it went fine. We talked about how sharing makes us happy and how Jesus wants us to share the gospel, our time and talents with others. There were several little examples, poems, songs and scriptures throughout the lesson. At one point I showed the  children a picture of Jesus feeding the 5,ooo and told them the story. We talked about how if the little boy in the story hadn't shared his 5 loaves and 2 fish, then all those people would have been hungry but because he shared, Jesus was able to perform a wonderful miracle. At that point one of the little boys in the class piped up and said, "Jesus did lots of fabulous things." I replied that yes, He did and we moved on with the lesson. I guess at first I just thought it was cute and clever that he said that. But as I thought about it more I realized that although I personally would have vocalized it differently, that it was profound and true. Jesus did do lots of fabulous things. From his first miracle of turning water to wine to his ultimate miracle of rising from the dead and everything in between, Jesus did lots of Fabulous things. I'm so grateful for Him and all that he has done for me.


Danielle said...

Not that I don't love your stamping blog, but I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts from the past few days over here, too!

Jesus is definitely fabulous.

Heather O said...


I love the Primary kids, they are so precious and I learn so much from them.

Rencher Fam said...

I love when I get to be in the primary too. Kids help me to see things through new eyes-I love it!!