Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Misty Alabama Mornings

school busAs you know if you read either of my blogs, school has started here. We are now into our second week. We live 1.35 miles from the school which means we are too close to ride the bus (this is a shot of Joel's bus from Kindergarten. This ones for you Amy--I've been there. I know how you feel. It will get better). The problem with not riding the bus is that it is still a little far for kids to walk--especially roundtrip so in the past we have driven. This year we have decided to go for it, so I have started walking the boys to school. We have a car pool going in the afternoon but in the mornings we walk. I figure this is a good idea for a couple of reasons: 1. It saves us gas money--not a lot I realize, but still, driving every day adds up over time 2. I have been wanting to get in shape and this is a great way to start. I have already walked about 8.5 miles this week (we took a walk Sunday evening to time how long it would take us) and it's only Tuesday. I plan to start running home after I drop the boys off once I feel like I am in a little bit better shape. The major nuisance with walking that I have encountered so far is the humidity. Blech. Do you know what walking in 74% humidity feels like? It's kind of bizarre because that early in the morning it isn't very hot yet, but I still come home just drenched from the humidity. Imagine walking through the mist of a waterfall only not as refreshing. Actually maybe a better simile would be to image your whole body feeling like clammy hands. I keep thinking that as the weather continues to get cooler into the Fall and Winter it might be a little more pleasant. It seems to be naturally drier in the Winter months. In the meantime I will just stick to it and remember my days in the more arid Utah climate with fondness.


Mauri said...

Yes, but when you'll have daffodils in January, we'll be knee-deep in snow. But I agree--I prefer the dry weather.

Amy said...

Eeewwwwww.... Where are Nate and Daniel when you are running? In the picture in my head Nate is running behind you saying, "Mom! Wait for me!!" lol

Jill said...

Dave doesn't have to be at work until 9:00 and the boys get to school by 7:15, so he stays with Nate and Daniel in the morning while I take Seth and Joel. Even though I'm still slow right now, that gives me plenty of time to get home before Dave needs to leave.

Mom said...

Jill, you are an inspiration and we should all follow your example of getting in shape. This is a beautiful picture of the bus and the countryside. I would love to visit Auburn--it just looks like such a beautiful place! (Of course, I wouldn't mind seeing my little dolly boys and their parents again either!)