Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thank Goodness for Insurance

Tuesday was a very bad day. Yesterday was way better. Tuesday just started out badly with everyone sleeping in and me being stressed about making it to Daniel's doctor's appointment on time. He has had really bad diaper rash (sorry if that's TMI). The doctor gave me a prescription for Vusion diaper rash ointment. She said it was pretty pricey but that there were coupons at the other office so if I could swing by there and pick one up I could save myself some money. I picked up a couple of coupons and took the prescription to get it filled at a certain superstore which was NOT Target or K-Mart. Any guesses?  When they told me it would be 40 minutes I gritted my teeth and thought, oh well. It's easier to just walk around the store than to get kids in the car to go home, get kids out of the car, get kids back into the car, drive back, get kids back out of the car, etc. So, we walked around the store. Nate was restless and naughty and kept running away from me. Daniel cried and tried to climb out of the cart the whole time. It was not fun. After making me wait about 50 minutes, they informed me that they were out of the medicine and will not be getting more in stock. What the heck?! Why did it take them almost an hour to tell me that? Something is wrong with the procedures they are following. I was really frustrated, so I just muttered "ridiculous" and turned and walked out vowing that I will never again use the pharmacy at that store. That was just the ugly icing on the stale cake of a day I was already having.

Well yesterday I tried again at a different pharmacy. The first one I went to wouldn't accept my coupon so the co-pay would've been $40. Forty bucks for diaper rash cream? Hmm. I said, thanks but no thanks and decided to try one more pharmacy across the street. Everything went well there so I was able to get the ointment. (Next time I'll save myself the trouble and go there in the first place). The pharmacist--who incidentally had an uncanny resemblance to  Courtney Gains in his role in the movie The 'Burbs ("Sardine?")--gave me the medicine. The total came to $10. When I mentioned how thrilled I was to not be paying the $40 co-pay he let me in on how much it would've been if we hadn't had insurance and the coupon card. Would you believe $275.99. Yes, you read that right. $275.99 for a 50 gram tube of diaper rash cream. All I can say is, dang, I need to get into the pharmaceutical business. Well, that and thank goodness for insurance.

'burbs pharmacy copy

I'm not trying to be mean spirited, but I thought I needed to interject a little levity into this post.

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Amy said...

You know my feelings about said store. One word "ham"!
By chance, does that diaper rash ointment have gold in it?
I hope today is better!

Danielle said...

There's a reason they call it Volde-mart.

Sorry to hear about the nappy rash. Hope that clears up.

And can I just say....

"That was just the ugly icing on the stale cake of a day I was already having."


Heather O said...

Ha!! The picture makes it all the better. "That's a nice Christian name. Hans Christian Anderson." Sorry about the prescriptions, I had similar frsustrations trying to get a prescription for my face recently. Glad you got a steal with the coupon. :)

Mandie Green said...

Can't stop laughing about the picture. I think what makes it funnier is that I am reading your captions with his accent in my head. (Oh what a pretty picture, is she your girlfriend?......It came with the frame)
Sorry you had such a rotten day, but thanks for making mine better by keeping your sense of humor about it.

Mauri said...

Wow, yeah that's why I don't go to Wal-Mart. One of the many reasons. I'm convinced they hire the most incompetent people on the planet. I'm not sure how they find them. Yeah, that's an awesome picture. "You keep a horse in the basement?!" hah, good times.

Rencher Fam said...

You know when people type the initials LOL? I always wonder if they are really Laughing out loud or not. I REALLY WAS LOL after I read this post...I'm just sad everyone took all the best lines in the movie already!! Thanks for making my day! I'm jealous that the guy at my pharmacy doesn't look like that! LUCKY!

Jenn said...

I found myself saying Thank Goodness for Insurance as well yesterday, after we got a bill from RGH for Matthew's recent visit to the ED with croup. If it weren't for the blessing of BC/BS, we'd be coughing up a hearty $1,875.20! Including $154.04 for "N.Y.S. Healthcare Surcharge." Hmmmmmmmm.

Anyway, glad you got your rash cream, and hope the Dan's tushy is feeling much better soon!