Monday, November 03, 2008

Why I Should Start Bringing Garlic With Me to Primary

Yesterday I was in charge of Sharing Time during Primary at church. This month we are talking about being thankful. I had each of the children create a paper bag puppet that looked like them and then on the back they were to write "I'm thankful to be me because I can ________" and fill in the blank. I collected all the puppets and we talked about how each of us is different and have different talents and abilities and that is how Heavenly Father made us. Then I held up each of the puppets for the children to see and read what they had written on the back. Some of the things they said were profound, most were sweet. One boy wrote about how he can use crutches as stilts, some wrote about their drawing talents or their ability to play sports. One wrote that she was thankful to be able to come to earth and have a body. As I read through them the children were absolutely silent and focused. It was amazing. When I got to one boy's though I thought I'd be wise to skip it since it would definitely have detracted from the spirit. It said, "I am thankful to be me because I am a vampire and can drink blood." I wonder if he wore one of these as a baby. . .


NO David! said...

Is that Michael Jackson on that bib? Is he singing 'Thriller'?

Rencher Fam said...

Haha! Funny that you mentioned that...we had a similar experience in our Primary during a "being Thankful" sharing time once. I am sad to say that the response in our primary was much more inappropriate though!!! Love the bib.:)

Mauri said...

hahaha. That's awesome!