Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"You know, except for the mustache, you look a lot like my mother."

"But I don't have a mustache." You say.
"Yes, but my mother does."

Well at lease I do according to Joel. I think he’s jealous.

Every day I go wait in the car line at school to pick up Joel and then we jet over to the bus stop just in the nick of time to pick up Nate from the bus. Joel likes to sit in the front seat. I don’t really like him sitting in the front. He is only eight and it makes me a little nervous to be honest, but I let him because we are only about 600 yards from home at that point. The other day he was sitting on his knees. I told him to sit on his behind and he told me he was trying to look older. When I told him I didn’t think he would fool anyone he asked me with a glint in his eye, “Well, should I grow a mustache then?”


Jennie said...

And this, my dear, is the reason for we do not forget these precious words from our beautiful, albeit mustache-less, boys!

Mauri said...

What a little hooligan. That's a great story!

Heather O said...

That is hilarious, what a little character. Why is he wanting to look older?