Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Last Day of School

Summer is upon us. Today was the last day of school. Joel and Mrs. Stewart Here is Joel with Mrs. Stewart. Joel was fortunate to have her as both a second and third grade teacher. She has been such a great teacher. We will miss her next year!

last day on Mr. Dillard's kindergarten bus Nate got off the bus for the last time today. I’m so glad he had the experience of riding the bus this year. I think it helped him grow up a little bit. He even made a couple of new friends.

I don’t have a picture of Nate with his teacher and I don’t have any pictures of Seth but I thought I’d record what I do have.

Now on to summer. We have a lot planned: tutoring to help Joel catch up on all the things he missed due to illness this year, lots of swimming at the pool, daily reading and school work, a little mini-vacay around the 4th of July, scout camp, and other stuff too. I’m sure the summer will fly by just as quickly as the school year did.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I love these cute little school boys!