Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Dear Danny, Happy Birthday to You!

Today was Daniel’s 3rd birthday. We had our standard family party: dinner, presents, cake, yada, yada, yada.  I’m just still having a hard time believing that my baby is three.

Daniel has brought so much happiness to our family. He was the sweetest baby—so peaceful and happy. We have definitely had our challenges in the past year. He is curious and bright but he also has frustrations with his eye sight and speech delays. His brothers adore him and he loves them too (despite giving Seth a bloody nose this evening). We love our sweet little Danny boy.

I realize there have been several posts about him lately but today is his day so here’s one more.

Here’s a little video of Daniel blowing out the candles on his cake. You might want to turn the volume down at the beginning. Our singing sounds pretty horrendous. ;D

1 comment:

Mauri said...

He's so cute! Gotta love that little guy.