Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Patching: The Saga Continues

super D Here’s Danny with one of the eye patches I made him. We are supposed to still be patching 2 hours a day “for maintenance purposes.” I found this great tutorial (from LucyKate Crafts) online and made a couple patches for him today. This is the first one. Don’t look too closely. I had to teach myself how to do a blanket stitch and there are plenty of imperfections but it works for its intended purpose and best of all he doesn’t seem to mind wearing it too much. I think the second one I made looks even better but he hasn’t tried that one yet.super D (1) His ears generally don’t flop over like that. He needed his glasses strap adjusted. :)

super D (3) super D (2)


Darcy said...

He is so stinking cute and I love the patch. Good job!

Samuel James Dunn, Esq. said...

his glasses look like they're a lot more child friendly than the ones I had when I was that young.

Ashley Arnold said...

That is adorable! Well done!