Wednesday, December 01, 2010

In the Last Two Weeks

  • My husband successfully defended his doctoral dissertation. (Hip hip hooray!)
  • My oldest son turned 12.
  • I threw my back out and was unable to move for about 48 hours.
  • I have been to the chiropractor four times.
  • I had a yucky sore throat, cold and cough.
  • Daniel has been sick and croupy.
  • The dog ran away three times.
  • Daniel ran away three times. It was really hard to chase after him with a hurt back.
  • We bought a tree and decorated it and our house for Christmas.
  • Daniel undecorated the tree and made it his personal mission to mess up the house.
  • I made over my blog. (You like?)
  • I have thought about updating my blog but kept putting it off because of all the things going on.

What’s new with you?


Ashley said...

LOVE the new blog. Hope your back feels better!

Jill said...

Thank you! It feels MUCH better!

Amy said...

I love it. :) I still need to send you a check for mine. Do I get a backdrop. ;)
Hey, I keep meaning to tell you, get a good back brace. It does amazing things when your back goes out. I couldn't live without mine on those days.

Darcy said...

I love the new blog. I am so sorry you hurt your pain. There is nothing more miserable than not being able to do the things that need to be done.