Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Daniel Fixes his Tricycle: A Photo Essay

Yesterday Danny wanted to ride his tricycle but the tire was flat. That didn’t deter him.fixing the trike photo essay (9)He knew just what to do. He got dad’s bike pump out of the shed
fixing the trike photo essayand went to work pumping up the tire.
fixing the trike photo essay (1) He worked pretty hard trying to pump up that tire.
fixing the trike photo essay (2) Even when he got tired he kept going.
fixing the trike photo essay (3) The tire wasn’t getting any fuller (I think the inner tube must be bad) but that didn’t matter. Danny just knew that if he kept pumping he could fix it.
fixing the trike photo essay (5) After what he felt was sufficient pumping he screwed the valve cap back on.
fixing the trike photo essay (6) It took some concentration and effort. Screwing a little cap like that on requires motor skills that not many three year olds have.
fixing the trike photo essay (7) When he was done he flipped the tricycle back the right way.
fixing the trike photo essay (8) And this is the part that amazes me. . .
fixing the trike photo essay (10) He didn’t get on right away and try to ride. First he put the pump away
fixing the trike photo essay (11) and shut the shed door tight.
fixing the trike photo essay (12) When the work was done he rushed back to his ride,
fixing the trike photo essay (13) straightened things out,
fixing the trike photo essay (15) and mounted up.
fixing the trike photo essay (16) He was ready to go but there was one problem:
fixing the trike photo essay (17) his feet barely reach the pedals (oh, and the tires were still flat).
fixing the trike photo essay (18) I gave him a little push and he was as happy as could be riding his trike
fixing the trike photo essay (19) for about 30 seconds
fixing the trike photo essay (20)until he spotted Nate and our neighbor
fixing the trike photo essay (21) and suddenly the tricycle was forgotten
fixing the trike photo essay (22) and he was off on another adventure.


Danielle said...

Love it! :)

Amy said...

Hey, that was my comment, Danielle. :) That is absolutely adorable.

Mauri said...

This is adorable! What a cute little guy. Is his hair getting darker? He looks so much older in these photos!

Mom said...

The cutest thing ever . . . well, since the "missing cookie explanation" paper. Every one of these posts about the kids could be a chapter in your "Joys of Motherhood" book. Or this tricycle one could be a picture book of its own.

Addie said...

Your Danny is growing up so fast! This is just the best...he is so grown up and working so hard. :) Love the last one -- in motion!

Susan Payton said...

Just blogging around this evening and found your blog. I love reading all the different blogs, they are all so different and unique. Thank you for letting me visit.

Samuel James Dunn, Esq. said...

I love his hair flying as he runs off. I feel like the motion of that last picture really captures childhood.

Heather O said...

So great! Love the determination and distraction of a little guy!