Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Incriminating Evidence

Things have been crazy. I keep wanting to find a time to sit down and write all about my experiences at Time Out for Women (and I will) but there has not been a spare minute. I did decide to hurry and post this before I hit the hay though:

Greg Mortenson (3) Let me explain. Tonight I went on a much needed date with my husband. When we left there was an entire package of cookies that a friend had brought to us. I told the boys that they could each have two cookies before bed. The first thing Seth told me when we got home was that Danny, Joel and Nate all kept sneaking cookies. There were 4 cookies left when we got home. Four out of an entire package. There was also this note (in Joel’s handwriting). If I go by Seth’s account, it appears that Joel was trying to cover his behind. My favorite part? The chocolate fingerprint on the right.


Mauri said...

Oh my gosh, this is hilarious! I think my favorite part is he used the kid who can't really defend himself as the scapegoat.

Darcy said...

I love how Danny got blamed!

Heather O said...

Totally made my day!! ah haha ha! :)