Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Utah Adventures: Part 3, Shaving the Beard

Doc started growing a beard right before Thanksgiving and didn’t shave it until Christmas. We (meaning I) decided it would be fun to shave it in stages, so he did. Here are the different looks:Beard Adventure “The Grizzly”. Not quite full enough to warrant being called “The Grizzly Adams” so we are settling on “The Grizzly.” You’ll note there is a fair amount of gray in there.

Beard Adventure (1) “The Ambrose”. Chops into a ‘stache. So called in honor of Ambrose Burnside—inventor of the sideburns. I like this one because you can see the dimple in his chin.

IMG_8333Beard Adventure (2) “The Convict” also known as “The Redneck” or more traditionally called “The Fu Manchu.” The orange shirt he’s wearing contributes to the overall penitentiary feeling. I’ll be honest, this one creeps me out. This is not the same as the previous picture. The profile shot on bottom shows greater detail.

Beard Adventure (4)Beard Adventure (3) “The Clouseau” or “The Scoundrel.” Really just the classic ‘stache commonly seen in the 70s and 80s and making a comeback. I’m not keen on it though.

Beard Adventure (5)

And last but not least, “The Grandpa Bob”.

I’m glad my husband decided that facial hair isn’t for him. It works for some people, but I think he looks better clean shaven.

clean shaven at last There’s the handsome man I married!


Danielle said... guys are awesome. And Dave should never grow a mustache.:D

Amy said...

I ditto every word that Danielle said. Ha!

Heather O said...

Hilarious! Great idea and I love the documentation of it all. :)

Rencher Fam said...

he looks 10 years younger with no facial hair! I think I am with you Jill-clean shaven is the most attractive!