Monday, February 21, 2011

February 21, 2011

Today I:

  • Had breakfast at IHOP with three cool guys (here’re two of ‘em).


tree seat

  • Tried to fly kites on Samford lawn with my cousin and Danny. “Tried” being the key word there.


  • Laughed a lot.
  • Got sunburned. Sure did.
  • Smelled pansies—orange and blue ones!


Toomer's oak

  • Couldn’t take a nap because all the neighbor kids kept ringing the doorbell. *Sigh*
  • Talked to my mom on the phone.
  • Woke our grill up from it’s long winter’s nap and made grilled chicken for dinner.
  • Scalded the heck out of my right index finger when I was boiling potatoes.
  • Cried about my burnt finger for about 20 minutes, (it HURTS!!) held it under cold running water for 5 minutes (per Seth’s instructions), cried more, took acetaminophen and finally tried Ocean Potion.
  • Thanked my lucky stars for Ocean Potion Instant Burn Relief Ice.
  • Read President’s Day books to my boys for FHE.
  • Watched this.
  • Had a rootbeer float.
  • Put my kids to bed—three times…
  • Make that 5 times.

In summary: hung out with cool people, consumed a lot of calories. Pretty good day all around.

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