Sunday, March 06, 2011

Solo and Ensemble Competition

 Solo and Ensemble Comp 2011 (1)Solo and Ensemble Comp 2011 (2)

Yesterday was Seth’s solo and ensemble competition. This was a optional activity available to band students. Seth and his friend and fellow tuba player DeMarco decided that they wanted to participate and do a duet. Their song was Erie Canal. They have practiced after school for the last several weeks getting ready. Yesterday they were judged and received a superior rating (the highest). This means Seth will get a medal. I was proud of the time and effort he put into it. I was not allowed in the room with the judge while they played but I stood and listened with my ear to the door and I thought they sounded great. Maybe I will get him to play it here at home soon so I can video it.

Solo and Ensemble Comp 2011

1 comment:

Heather O said...

Congrats Seth! I would love to see the video if you do it.