Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far. . .

I had a validating moment today—one of those proud-parent type moments where you feel like maybe you are doing alright as a parent after all.

We were driving home from school after I picked the kids up. Nate was very excited. He received a book at school because he was “caught being good”. There was lots of talking going on between the little girls we carpool with and my boys: kid banter—that book is easy to read; I have a Magic Tree House book; I got caught reading and got a book once; etc.

I didn’t want Nate’s moment to get lost or diminished. We’ve hit some rough spots this year when it comes to Nate’s behavior (trouble staying on task, focusing on his work, staying in his seat—you get the idea) so I wanted to offer positive reinforcement. I made the comment that I was proud of Nate for being good and that he is a good reader. He piped up from the back seat and said, “I want to read the scriptures every night. I love reading too much. Reading is my talent!”

That’s the kind of thing every mom (and former English major) wants to hear from her first grader.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Reading is a great talent to have! :) Yay for Nate!