Wednesday, April 06, 2011

In Case of Rain

scanned picsJill and Dave circa 1996

Looking through old photographs is lovely. I’ve always liked this picture. This was taken at a college cross country meet that I went to watch my friend Dave run in. I met his parents for the first time that day. I remember thinking they were really nice and that Dave looked like his dad. I didn’t know then that they were my future in-laws.

I like how we are standing under the umbrella together with our arms around each other. Life has thrown some torrential downpours at us over the years but I’m glad I have someone like David to share my umbrella with.

Other lovely things today: computer warranties; the fact that my three year old throws up in the toilet and not all over the house; tax returns; fresh air; the Dunn family National Poetry Month competition we have going right now; this husband of mine that came home from work early to help me out with the boys and took them to scouts so I could stay home with the sickies.

What loveliness did the day bring to you?


amyjo57 said...

I really do enjoy reading about you, David and the boys. I am always so happy to read about young LDS families I know and love. Your children are blessed to have a secure family and great examples in their daily life. You and Dave are the best. I love and miss you both.

justging said...

Jill.....that picture looks like it was just taken. You both have not aged at all!

My lovely for the day is medicine for my sick little one and lots of snuggling from him because he is sick......i love the snuggling, it doesn't happen often.

Thanks foe your loveliness each day....they are good reminders for me to think about! hope your little ones feels better.

Heidi said...

That's the Jill and Dave I remember. :)

Garry and I went on a date last night. I think we hadn't been out together since Christmas (I know, pathetic). But it was perfectly lovely in every way!