Friday, April 01, 2011

Lime Yogurt

This evening Nate was finally able to eat something and to keep his medicine down. I have been really worried about him all day—“I-have-never-seen-him-this-sick-I-hope-he-doesn’t-end-up-in-the-hospital” worried, “having-emotional-breakdowns-and-sobbing-on-the-phone-to-my-husband” worried. Pretty. Darn. Worried.

He slept a good part of the day and cried and moaned the whole time he wasn’t sleeping. He isn’t the type of kid to suffer in silence. I tried to force feed him soda crackers and applesauce (he ate three bites) so that he wouldn’t have to take the medicine on an empty stomach, but he just wasn’t keeping anything down. When David got home from work he went to the store and picked up some more children’s ibuprofen (we were out) and yogurt. The lime yogurt did the trick.


Nate ate a whole yogurt and asked for another. We gave him his nasty-tasting medicine and then immediately spoon fed him more lime yogurt. He said “It’s working!”, meaning it was helping to cover the yucky taste. We are not out of the woods yet but I am much more calm. He hasn’t thrown up in three hours now so I’m feeling much better about the situation. Lovely things today: lime yogurt and answered prayers.

What loveliness did the day bring to you?


Heidi said...

I know the desperation the comes with not keeping food down! I'm so glad you found your miracle.

My loveliness yesterday was finding three skirts at Ross that aren't actually maternity skirts but will work the whole time. This was actually way more than lovely. More like miraculous.

Mauri said...

The poor little guy! I hope he gets feeling better soon.