Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Never a Dull Moment

Today was interesting. It began with an email from Joel’s teacher that he had been in a fight at school—over a game of horseshoes of all things. The kid he was playing with got upset when Joel won. I don’t know the whole story, but from Joel’s angle the kid attacked him, punching, kicking and choking him. Joel defended himself and pushed the kid away to defend himself and then a teacher came and intervened. They were both brought to the principal’s office and after both boys giving an account of what happened, Joel was sent back to class and the other boy was given a two hour in school suspension. *Sigh* The boy and Joel have been friends and Joel and I had a talk after school about how the boy was probably just having a really bad day and Joel should still be his friend and forgive him. To his credit, Joel seemed very amenable to that idea.

hair elastic tournequite

The other interesting drama today was when Danny ran to me telling me “It’s stuck!” He had somehow gotten one of my hair elastics over the top of his head and all the way down around his neck. I have no idea how he did it. I tried to stretch it out to pull it back up over his head and there was no way that was going to happen so I grabbed the scissors and clipped it off (but not before snapping a quick picture). When I told David about it we just decided that Danny is a very determined kid and figured out how to do the nearly impossible.

hair elastic tournequite (1)

Here is the elastic I cut off along with one just like it. You can see that it is not really large. It doesn’t stretch all that much either. Try to get one over your head—I dare you.

Of course there were all the normal little dramas today too but those were the big ones. One thing I can say about my boys: they sure do keep life interesting.

My blessings today:

  • Perspective to help me realize that despite the craziness in my life I am really blessed.
  • The red clover is in bloom. It is so pretty.
  • We had delicious pork chops and fresh asparagus for dinner. Yum!
  • The weather was pretty much perfect today.
  • A proud parent moment when I learned that Seth will be the first chair tuba in the symphonic band next year.
  • Seeing my friend’s three day old baby. He is precious.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

No dull moments, indeed! I have had too many of "that" kind of phone call, as well as too much of the "usual drama" you seem to experience. You're not alone...