Thursday, April 28, 2011

Secret Agent Men

career day 2011

   This is Agent Dunn and his partner, Agent Dunn. It was Career Day at school today.  Both of these boys wanted to be FBI agents. They look pretty formidable if you ask me. Because I’m such a cool mom, I made them these awesome credentials so that if any of their friends or classmates asked them what they were supposed to be they could just whip out their IDs.

career day 2011 (3) 

Agent Dunn #1 started out with a fake mustache that I drew on him with my eyebrow pencil. It immediately started to smudge off so we ended up washing it off all the way before school. After I helped him wash his face he said “Ahhh. It feels good to shave.” Funny kid.

career day 2011 (1)

And Agent Dunn #2. The thing about I love about this picture is, I can almost see what he will look like twenty or twenty-five years from now. He’s cool now and I’m pretty sure he’ll still be cool then.

1 comment:

Mauri said...

So cute. I bet they were a hit!