Tuesday, May 24, 2011


My bestie and me.    
Besides all of the pomp and circumstance and the spiritual enlightenment we were able to enjoy on the trip, there were a few moments that were just pure delight. One of the highlights for me was being able to see my best friend whom I have not seen in the five years since we moved away. We have been pretty good about keeping in touch via email, facebook and telephone, but there is just nothing quite like a good face to face chat. It made me so happy to spend some time with this beautiful and amazing woman.

And I realize that a poetry phone booth is no match for a visit with one's bosom friend, but you have to admit it is pretty cool. I don't know how I never saw this in the whole time I lived in Rochester, but somehow I missed it. It makes me wonder what else I missed (and what I will have missed when we eventually move from here). The phone booth is outside an establishment called "Writers & Books" which is a non-profit literary center. They offer classes in all types of writing from memoirs and fiction right on down to poetry. How fun would it be to take a poetry class? If life ever takes us back to Rochester, I'll be signing up.

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