Thursday, May 26, 2011


I realize that summer does not officially arrive in the northern hemisphere until June 21 this year, but for all intents and purposes summer is already in full swing here in Alabama. Here's how I know:

  1. The hydrangeas, magnolias and crepe myrtles are all in bloom.
  2. Tuesday it was 89 degrees by 8:00 in the morning. Temperatures have been in the high eighties or low nineties every day for the last week. Thunderstorms are in the forecast.
  3. I saw my first lightning bug of the season!
  4. Four boys are all at home on a Thursday morning. There has been a fair amount of arguing and video game playing. I haven't heard too many "I'm bored"s yet though.
  5. An entire package of Popsicles disappeared from my freezer in less than 24 hours.
  6. When I mention that our neighborhood has a swimming pool, suddenly everyone wants to be my best friend. ;)
  7. We had our first watermelon of the year and it was delicious. Corn on the cob is on my shopping list.
  8. After being outside for about five minutes, Nate came in and asked for bug spray.
  9. I have one boy very sick right now--presumably from eating unwashed cherries.
  10. Seth has a sunburn on top of his sunburn.
Are you sliding your way into summer in your neighborhood or are you still enjoying spring? 

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