Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dear Joel!

opening presents

My second born son is 10 years old today. It’s been a whole decade since he was born. How did that happen? Where does the time go? Anyway, it was a great day. Joel opened his presents after church. He got some goggles for the pool, a book and a couple pairs of pants from us and the Legos that he wanted from his grandparents.


As my boys sat on the family room floor building the Lego castle, I just kept thinking this is what happiness is—contented little boys, playing together, sharing, using their brains and having fun. It was a peaceful and happy way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Birthday dinner

I made a birthday dinner of steamed shrimp (birthday boy’s request), Simple Orzo Pilaf, a green salad and a homemade dark chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting.


After dinner I sent David out to the outside freezer to get the ice cream (I was really sending him to get Joel’s new bike from our neighbor’s shed where we had hidden it). He came back and gave me the signal that he had the bike (“I can’t find any ice cream out here”). I went out under the pretense of looking for the ice cream and then we called Joel outside to choose what kind of ice cream he wanted (i.e. to discover his new bike.)

birthday boy with his bike

He didn’t act very surprised—maybe we were not as sneaky as we thought we were—but he did act super happy.

dryer drum2

The evening ended on a high note as the boys had a great time with their new favorite toy—our old dryer’s drum. The dryer bit the dust last week. After David tried unsuccessfully to repair it for the better part of the week, he ended up taking it apart and taking the drum out. The boys have been having a blast with it. It is the best toy in years. They fill it with pillows and push each other down the hallway. Joel wanted to sleep in it but I told him he’d wake up with a crick in his neck so that was a no-go.

Poor little Daniel fell asleep early and missed out on all the festivities, but his birthday’s up next so I guess it isn’t too much of a tragedy.

In Joel’s words it was “the best birthday ever.” He doesn’t know that I also have a surprise party planned for him for Wednesday. This birthday is going to be hard to top. I’ll let you in on the party details after it’s all over. It should be lots of fun!


Heidi said...

I'm still fixated on the chocolate and peanut butter cake.

But I'm glad Joel had a great birthday, too. Can't wait for party details...

Linda said...

Happy Birthday Joel! It looks like it turned out to be a wonderful day--cake, bike, drum roll!

Danielle said...

Hooray for birthdays! Happy belated birthday, Joel! :)

Darcy said...

Looks like he had a great Birthday! Happy Birthday Joel.