Saturday, May 07, 2011

Saturday Is a Special Day

*It’s the day we get ready for Sunday.

I spent the day today helping my family by washing clothes and dishes and cooking meals. I also did a massive amount of ironing. This has been a rare occurrence at my house in recent years. It’s one of those things that I’ve been doing on an as-needed basis because mostly I am just trying to stay afloat in the laundry department. I feel like I am doing pretty good if everyone has a clean shirt to wear to church. I do try, but it seems that more often than not, on Sunday mornings, white shirts are thrown in the dryer with a clean, damp washcloth on the de-wrinkle setting because I neglected to give them the full ironing board, spray bottle and iron treatment the day before. Not this week. Right now all five of my boys (David included) all have Sunday clothes waiting for them in their closets, clean and pressed. Mom for the win!

* "Saturday is a special day,
It's the day we get ready for Sunday;
We clean the house and we shop at the store,
so we won't have to work until Monday;
We brush our clothes and we shine our shoes,
And we call it our"get-the-work-done" day;
Then we trim our nails and we shampoo our hair,
so we can be ready for Sunday!"
Lyrics by Rita S Robinson

Today’s Kindness: I ironed!

What did you do today to make the world a better place?

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