Friday, May 06, 2011

The Pool and Peanut Butter Sandwiches

We went to the pool today. I consider this a kindness to my children on my part. I honestly didn’t want to go very bad but they have been asking me all week. It opened last weekend and we weren’t able to go, so today after school and after they had done a few jobs around the house, I took them. I only got in the water up to my thighs. It was way too cold (no matter—by August it will be so warm it will feel like swimming in the bathtub).

One of the great things about doing things for others is seeing how happy it makes them. Here’s the pay-off:

at the pool at the pool (2) at the pool (4)at the pool (3)at the pool (1)  

Okay, so Nate doesn’t look like he’s having that much fun in this picture, but believe me, he did. In fact, I had to keep reigning in the fun so it wouldn’t get too out of control.

Kindesses to Others: Watching my friend’s little girl so she could enjoy her other daughter’s Mother’s Day program. (Something I wish someone would have done for me yesterday!). Being friendly and courteous to the two sales people who called today. Making my kids peanut butter and banana sandwiches on toast for a pre-bedtime snack. And of course, taking my kids to the pool.

Kindnesses from Others: People leaving nice comments about my new haircut on the pictures I posted on Facebook. It’s always nice to be told that you are “cute”, “sassy”, “sophisticated”, “adorable”, “fun” and “foxy”. :) (Here are the pictures if you haven’t already seen them).

What did you do today to make the world a better place?

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