Sunday, June 12, 2011

Annual Blueberry Picking Trip

Every year for the last several years we have gone blueberry picking as a family. The last couple of years we picked three gallons and they lasted us a whole year. I just used the final bit from last year's crop on Friday when I was making jam. Great timing, right? This year we decided to pick four gallons.

Our kids are getting bigger and eating more so I think the extra gallon will help us stretch the harvest until next year, plus we got a great deal through Groupon so it only cost us half of what it normally would.

It was really hot but I was proud of my boys for working so hard. Even Danny wanted to help. He was a fantastic bucket holder.

Today David made a delicious blueberry buckle that we enjoyed this afternoon. I'm looking forward to making homemade blueberry ice cream soon--maybe for the Fourth of July.

I love this summer tradition that my family enjoys together. It is hard work, but we all contribute and we definitely enjoy the fruits of our labors.

*See the complete album of our adventure here:

Blueberry Havens Annual Trip


The Smith's said...

looks like fun. where do you go picking every year?

Jill said...

We go to Blueberry Havens in Camp Hill, AL. The man who owns it told us that the picking season typically goes through the end of July but last year it went through August. If you need directions let me know.