Saturday, June 11, 2011

Jam Tomorrow, Jam Yesterday, But Never Ever Jam Today.

Freezer jam
Yesterday I made freezer jam. Two batches. It’s been a few years since I made it and I've missed it. Strawberry freezer jam is absolutely my favorite jam. I was tempted to make a couple loaves of my mom’s homemade bread to eat with it but the thought of having the oven on for so long when it is nearly 100 degrees outside deterred me. Maybe we'll do crepes or biscuits instead.

Making the jam made me reflect on my childhood. My mom baked nearly every day: cookies, desserts, homemade bread, banana bread, muffins. She provided delicious food for our family on a frugal budget because she was willing to put in the extra time and effort to do so. I remember bottles of home canned peaches and pears in our pantry and jars of strawberry jam in our freezer. I try to do the same sorts of things for my family but I often feel like I am not measuring up. The natural (wo)man takes over and it is a constant struggle to not be lazy. I struggle with fatigue and lack of motivation. I know I cannot afford to be lazy. I am a mom of four boys! But still I find myself wasting time, procrastinating and trying to rationalize. Anyway, I didn't mean this to turn into a confession of my weaknesses (they are entirely too evident without me drawing additional attention to them). I just really admire my mom and what she did for our family. I know my mother-in-law did the same things for her family too. They are both amazing women!

 On a little lighter note, speaking of jam, have you seen this Carol Channing number from an Alice in Wonderland musical that was on TV when I was a kid? I don't remember much else about the movie, but this song is one that has stuck with me all these years. It's still pretty entertaining but a little weirder than I remembered. Enjoy!

P.S. For more sweet strawberry memories from my childhood check out my photo blog, Jillustrated. You might see some friends that you recognize from your own youth. :)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

That was 4 minutes and 59 seconds of weird. Thanks for sharing? ;)