Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I’m feeling something today. I don’t know what it is, but it isn’t really happy and it isn’t really sad. It’s bordering on melancholy but that’s not really the right word for it either. I think I have determined the source of these weird emotions as being linked to four things.
1. I feel overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done around my house but excited by the possibility that there is a need to do all these things. I know. It doesn’t really make sense.
2. I feel bummed out that I had to have four (yikes!) cavities filled today. I think I eat too many Storck chocolate Riesin  and then don’t floss good enough. Boo. It makes me feel like a loser, but whatevs. I should probably feel like more of a loser because I just typed “whatevs”, which is definitely not a real word and sounds a little bit like something a thirteen year old would say, but again, whatevs.
3. My nephew went into the MTC today. I am so excited for him. I know he will be a great missionary and that this experience is going to be amazing for him. I am, however, sad that I didn’t get a chance to talk with him before he left and now I won’t get to talk to him for two years. I am also feeling a little weirded out by the fact that I have a nephew old enough to go on a mission and that my own son will be old enough to go on a mission in seven short years. And I do mean short. Do you realize that we have lived here for five years now? Five. They have flown by. I wonder where we will be in five years from now. I sincerely hope it won’t still be in these town houses.
4. I was super excited to get a free $2.00 credit for MP3s at Amazon but I have no idea what to use them on and they expire tomorrow. Help!
So there you have it. I think the anesthesia the dentist used is affecting my brain. Is that possible?Maybe if I took a nap I wouldn’t be numb anymore when I woke up and I would be able to think and chew gum at the same time again. Naps seem to help with a lot of things.


Danielle said...

I'm pretty sure you just drunk-dialed your blog. The anesthesia is the only logical reason that I can think of that would cause you write the word "whatevs." ;P

Stick to solid chocolates -- that's what my dentist tells me.

MP3 suggestions: I've been loving Sarah Sample, Adele, and Mumford and Sons lately.

Love you, crazy lady!

Linda said...

Some of the side effects of anesthesia are nervousness, apprehension, euphoria, and confusion. Of course, those are the side effects of life, too ;)

Mauri said...

You're hilarious, Jill. The only person I know who says "whatevs" in real life is a girl in my grad program, and she sometimes acts like she's in high school. :) My MP3 suggestion is anything from Madeleine Peyroux or Diana Krall (if you like Jazz).