Sunday, June 05, 2011

My New Bike


Well, actually it's used, but it’s new to me. I love it. It is exactly what I wanted. It’s in great shape. We had to pump up the tires but other than that it is just about perfect. I want to get a basket to go on the front. I have visions of one day being in good enough shape to ride it to the library and I would definitely need a basket for my library books. I think we may start with just riding to the boys’ elementary school next year. I love the color, the retro lines, the white wall tires. I think she needs a name. What should I call her? Betty? Lulu? Rowena? Myrna? Monica? Ethel? I’m open to suggestions.


Darcy said...

Super cute! It just looks FUN to ride.

Kitty said...

Too CUTE! I think she's a LuLu.


p.s. Sorry I wasn't able to bring the book today. Soon.

Danielle said...

LOVE it! I'll think on the name suggestion, but I think it's hilarious that two of the ones you threw out there (Betty, Rowena) are my great-aunts names! :D

Samuel James Dunn, Esq. said...
