Wednesday, June 08, 2011

A Three Cake Day

second cake

I baked and frosted three cakes today—a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, a spice cake with cream cheese frosting and a yellow cake with chocolate buttercream. I have friends that could do this with their eyes closed but I am not an expert cake maker. I am not very neat or efficient. I make very tasty frosting, but my cakes definitely look homemade. Well, I got lots of practice today even though it wasn’t really by choice.

My friend’s mother passed away Monday. I committed to bringing a cake for the family luncheon after the funeral tomorrow. My plan was to bake the cake this morning so that I could bring it to the church tonight when I went to pick Seth up from Scouts. Isn’t there a saying—something about “the best laid plans” going awry? Yeah. That pretty much sums it up.

Cake 1: I baked the cake, took it out of the pans to cool and left Seth in charge while I ran Joel over to Cub Scout camp. I was gone twenty minutes. When I got home a chair was pulled up to the kitchen counter and a couple of large handfuls of cake were missing from one of the layers. Daniel. I was frustrated but not really all that surprised. I had hoped for better but I guess I kind of asked for it by leaving the cake layers in plain sight. Daniel got a stern talking to and a time out. He had to apologize to me for eating the cake. I told him the cake was not for us and now I would have to make another. He seemed repentant.

Cake 2: I baked the cake, let it cool and mixed up some cream cheese frosting for it. I frosted the cake and stuck it in the fridge and used the rest of the frosting to frost the Danny-mangled cake. I left cake number one on the counter (a decoy!) and let all the boys have a piece of it after dinner. At about 6:30 David arrived home and I left to go to the viewing for my friend’s mother. I was gone thirty minutes. When I got home and opened the fridge to put away the food that my family had left on the table after dinner I was not happy. Evidently, Daniel had decided that cake number one was not good enough and wanted to try cake number two. He was handed over to dad for disciplining and sent to bed immediately. I dragged myself back into the kitchen to start on cake number three.

Cake 3: I baked the cake, cooled it, made the frosting and frosted it—again. I washed all the dishes—again. I covered the cake with foil and put it in a box for transportation. I was tempted to put it out in the car tonight but it is so hot still and I don’t want the milk in the frosting to spoil. I will bring it to the church and drop it off as soon as I get up in the morning. If it survives until then.

I hope my friend knows I love her. I wouldn’t bake three cakes for just anyone.


Danielle said...

Oh, Jill. Normally a post like this would make me chuckle a bit, but reading it I just felt how frustrating yesterday must have been for you. Dang kids! :) It's no surprise to me that you made three cakes; it's "little" things like that that make me love you even more. Hope cake #3 made it to morning!

Ashley said...

Oh gosh! It looks really good, how could he resist? You are a great person, Jill.

Linda said...

Cake #3 was excellent and was enjoyed by all after the funeral. You are a good woman!