Friday, June 10, 2011

To Market, To Market. . .

CWES playgroundDunking.

 CWES playground (1) Monkey bars.

CWES playground (2) Three of my boys standing on the states they were born in.

CWES playground (3) Three boys standing on their home state.

Yesterday afternoon, after we dropped Joel off at Cub Scout camp, we ran several errands then I took the other three boys to the elementary school playground. They had a great time in spite of the horrible heat. On the way home Seth said that it would have been even more fun if Joel had been there. I promised him we’d go back another time when Joel can go too. I’m so glad that my boys love each other. They do their fair share of fighting but when it comes right down to it, they are best friends. That makes me so happy.

Know what else makes me happy?

Farmer's market

Farmer’s markets. It’s slightly ridiculous how happy they make me. I love buying direct from the farmers. I love supporting the local economy. I love the reasonable prices. I love the samples of jam and apple butter and homemade peach ginger ice cream, but mostly I love picking out the freshest, most wholesome, highest quality produce to feed to my family. They love it too. I think they are all pretty stoked about this watermelon.

big melon

Farmer's market (2) 

The strawberries are the sweetest we’ve had this season. I’m really looking forward to enjoying some good home grown tomatoes as well. I’m contemplating making a tomato pie. I’ve heard good things about them.

Farmer's market (1)

Of course now that I have some fresh basil maybe I can try some of those yummy-looking recipes I’ve been pinning to my menu board on Pinterest as well.

Farmer's market (3)

I’m giddy, I tell you!

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