Friday, September 19, 2008

Nuttin' But Stringz

The first time I watched America's Got Talent I was really disappointed. I said to Dave, "What a pathetic celebration of mediocrity." I could not believe some of the acts that the judges put through to the next round. I mean, Drag Queen Opera singers? Ewww.

Well, I decided to give it another shot and now they are into the final 5 acts and they actually have some pretty great performers. Eli Mattson for one. He has a really mellow voice and you can tell that he is really singing from deep inside of himself. Soulful. Love him.

My favorite act Wednesday though was "Nuttin But Stringz." They are two brothers from NY who meld classical violin with hip hop.  Sounds weird right? I found it quite entertaining actually. Kinda reminded me of a cd my brother had of Metallica songs played on cello. Only different. :) I guess you could kind of call them the Jimi Hendrixes of violin. Both of these guys went to Juilliard and write their own music so that should say something about the talent they posses. I have some very talented in-laws who are violinists as well (my sisters Melanie and Maurianne to name a couple) and I'd be really interested to hear their take on this. I'll admit that I am not the most educated person when it comes to music. It just wasn't ever that big in my house. We listened to MoTab and Christmas music and my dad always had the radio on while he was working on his cars--usually oldies. Then there was the jazz and classical on NPR. I was in the band and all but that's not saying a whole lot. That's the extent of my musical prowess.  No AP music classes, no private lessons (unless you count the clarinet tutoring I went to for a couple of months in 7th grade), no extensive knowledge of classics and composers--just your average stuff. Anyway I don't know about the fam, but I thought they were pretty talented. I loved it. Here's their performance from a couple of weeks ago. (Don't forget to scroll down and pause the music on my playlist first).


Fackrell Fam said...

Not that I am the violin expert, but I do know a thing or two on violin and music and I am totally with you! These guys are Awesome and are so entertaining! When a violinist is entertaining, you know they are good! I love the mix of music!

Heather O said...

I'm not the violinist, but that was AWESOME!! I'm so glad you shared that, I think they are very talented and a great twist with the music. Thanks.

Samuel James Dunn, Esq. said...

that was awesome. I love it. I loved it like fat kids love cake; a love, which we all know, knows no bounds.

Jenn said...

These guys are my faves to win!! Don't get me wrong, I love Eli, and I think I'd be pretty happy with any of the top 5 winning (SO hard to root when you love them all), but there's just something about these guys that I love. I think it's how unique they are.

(And to throw in my own humble AGT opinion, as cute as Kaitlyn Maher was, and she was undeniably cute and amazingly good at memorizing songs, it's a crime that she made it into the Top 10 and Jonathan Burkin (baton twirler) did not. I'm just sayin'.)

Mauri said...

I thought that was great. I personally think it's dumb if people think a certain type of music belongs to a certain genre. Even though it was hip-hop, it had a lot the same skills and techniques of fiddling, which is an art as well. I thought it was cool.