Thursday, November 10, 2011


This is the most graphic picture. Not bad at all. I wasn't able to stomach looking at the chin much when it was just busted open like it was.
This evening,  Danny and Nate sat quietly looking at books at the kitchen table. One of them accidentally scooted the bench back and Danny lost his balance and fell forward and hit his chin on the table.
He immediately started crying and I was afraid to look. It didn't start bleeding right away, but I knew that it would so I ran to the hall closet, got a clean wash cloth to hold on it and called David and then my neighbor. By the time I had gotten the washcloth it had started to bleed. I was afraid to look, but when I did, I just knew.

When David called me back we talked briefly (I was still holding the cloth on Danny's chin) and decided to take him to the after-hours clinic at the pediatricians office. I was thinking we were going to have to take him to the ER but then we remembered the after-hours clinic. Hallelujah!

My neighbor was at my house within two minutes of me calling her. She is seriously amazing. She came to stay with Joel and Nate and fixed them some soup and canned fruit since I hadn't made dinner yet. I took Seth with me to hold the washcloth on Danny's chin while I drove and we picked up David from work and brought him along for moral support.
Waiting for the doctor to come in.

View from the front. The underneath view was not so pretty.
The doctor was able to glue his chin with Dermabond (surgical superglue) rather than giving him stitches. He was an amazing little patient. No tears, no complaints, no wiggling. Afterwards he had to get a tetanus shot, which he actually laughed through since David was distracting him. David and I just looked at each other in amazement. What kid laughs while they are getting a shot? The doctor gave him a Thomas the Tank Engine sticker and the nurse gave him two more. Three stickers. He was that good.

We ended up being there for about an hour and a half or so. SO much better than if we'd had to go to the ER. I know this from having to make two trips to the ER this year. :\

On the way home he was very happy, chattering away and laughing. David asked him why he was so happy and he said, "Because I want to be. And I am holding my stickers." Well, that explains it. Sounds like a good reason to be happy to me.

Two things:
1.)  Now Danny will have probably have a scar on his chin to match his Aunt Anne's scar on her chin from when she was doing push-ups in high school and fell and had to get stitches in her chin.
2.)  I find it ironic that with all the rough-housing that goes on around here, the time my kid ends up having to go to the doctor to have his chin glued together is when he was sitting quietly reading a book.


Heidi said...

Three cheers for glue and a happy patient!

Heather O said...

Way to go Danny! So glad things turned out fine and he is happy. :)

Anne said...

Aunt Anne says, "It was definitely during relay races, like crab walk and stuff. I have never done a push up in my life."

Anne said...

Wait, I don't think I saved myself from humiliation with that last comment! I take it back.

Mauri said...

Poor little guy! I'm glad he bore it all well and he's doing better.