Thursday, September 04, 2008

Puzzling Puzzle

puzzling puzzle We were recently given this puzzle by a family who had outgrown it. It is a nice quality wooden puzzle with a colorful picture underneath each letter of the alphabet. Nate absolutely loves puzzles and while this one is a little young for him he still enjoys it. It will be great as he starts learning his letters. Daniel will be able to do it soon, so it was a nice thing to receive. There is just one thing about this puzzle that is a little puzzling. What the heck is this thing in the letter "Q" spot? puzzling puzzle (1)David first brought it to my attention. My best guess is that it is supposed to be a quail actual quailbut the artist rendering leaves a little to be desired. It looks more like a rabid pheasant-chicken cross than anything  quail related that I've ever seen. We dubbed it a quhesant or quicken. Since this puzzle is puzzling us we decided to sponsor a contest for our many (all 5 of you!) readers. Put your thinking caps on because we will award a prize for the best answer whether it is the most accurate or  the most original or entertaining. The judging is left up to our discretion. Simply leave your answer in the comments section of this post and when we deem that there are sufficient entries we will award a "major prize" (name that movie). Bonus points for ideas on what the "W" picture is supposed to be. I would say maybe they were thinking wagon but again, not a super accurate illustration. 


Rencher Fam said...

that's's a quaillet. A quail with a mullet! :) See? the hair is short in the front-long in the back. Now where's my prize? Ha!

Amy said...

A quail mullet? Intriguing.
I think it is funny that the "artist" went in to such detail for a wagon, when a little red wagon would have been perfectly acceptable.
Would Queer quail be an acceptable name? Maybe the quail got a little out of control with the hairspray. It isn't that creative, but it was my first thought when I saw the picture. :D

Mom said...

In answer to your query, this quirky animal obviously has "quills" as tail feathers, which qualifies it, with no qualms whatsoever, as the quintessential representative of the letter "Q".

Mauri said...

Wow, okay I can't really beat anything here, but here's what I think: It's a quaffing quigeon. Seriously, it looks drunk (and it looks like pigeon)! And the W--I think it's a wandering Wallaby cart--for when Wallabies want to see the countryside?

Heather O said...

That is awesome. Although I think the bird is more dinasour or lizard like so my answer is a quaizard.

Heather O said...

Oh and the movie, A Christmas Story. Are you really giving away a leg lamp?

Jill said...

Sorry. Didn't mean to misrepresent--no leg lamp but there will be another prize yet to be divulged. It will be something qwirky to honor the letters we are spotlighting here.