Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Soccer Season Starts

soccer 2008

Last night we had the first two soccer games of the season. Seth's team is the Lightning and Joel's is the Cosmos. Nate is not playing this year for the sanity of all involved. I think he will enjoy just being able to run around and play during the other boys' games. Last year was a learning experience. 

Seth and Joel both did great. Seth had some great passes and goal attempts and Joel scored for his team. After the initial stress of trying to get there on time, it was a great night. I'm sure I'll have more to share as the season goes on.


Danielle said...

Oh my gosh, do their personalities show through on this picture! Have fun, soccer mom! :D

Amy said...

Good call, ref! That was seriously stressful for you last year. Your boys look so big!

Heather O said...

Sweet!! I love soccer season stories.