Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mystery Diagnosis

Mystery Diagnosis collage

J-man has been getting hives lately. He has had them 4 times now but Wednesday was by far the worst episode yet. They called me from school just as it was time for school to be letting out and told me that he had a rash. I knew my neighbor would be picking the boys up from school in just a few minutes so I just told him that I'd give him Benedryl when he got home. By the time he got home about 20 minutes later, this is what he looked like. I have a doctor's appointment for next Monday that I made before this even started happening and now I think this will probably be a major point of discussion at the appointment. As if the poor kid didn't have enough to deal with, now this. I hope we are able to figure out what's causing this soon because right now it is a total mystery. 

Update: Since I first drafted this post we had another major episode. Joel woke up last night with hives all over his legs stomach and back. They seem to be getting worse and worse so I plan to see if I can get him into see the doctor ASAP.


Amy said...

Oh dear. I am sorry! I keep meaning to email you and ask you how he is doing with everything. You will have to send over a note and let me know!

Danielle said...

Poor kid! I hope you guys get it figured out!

Mauri said...

ooh, poor kid! I hope you're able to figure it out soon. I'm sorry to say that allergies of all sorts run in this crazy family.