Friday, January 30, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust

I figured it was inevitable, but I still hoped. Yes, we have another sick kid in the house. Nate now has the same thing Seth has had--Mycoplasma pneumoniae a.k.a Walking Pneumonia. Lucky for us we already had a pretty darn good idea what the illness is. I took Nate into the doctor this afternoon and after listening to his lungs and hearing the recent family history he wrote me a prescription for the same antibiotic that Seth is on. I was so glad we didn't have to go through the same rigmarole that we did with Seth. Nate started to get sick yesterday with a low fever and this afternoon it spiked up and I could tell he just felt awful. I didn't waste any time this time and he's on medication now as of this afternoon. I think it will be a lot easier to handle than Seth's extended illness. Now, I'm just saying a prayer that Joel and Daniel don't come down with it.
By the way, Seth is doing fantastic. He went back to school yesterday and seems to feel just fine. He still has a little bit of a residual cough, but that's it.


Amy said...

Oh good! I am so glad you could catch that early with him. I am sorry you have to deal with all of this sickness. It is a real drain on mom! Poor little guys.

Danielle said...

You poor thing! Like you said though, at least you knew what it "looked" like and were able to get him on antibiotics right away. Hope the Dunn family is completely on the mend soon!

Kris said...

That is know fun at all when your kids are so sick. Hopefully he will get better soon and not pass it on to everyone. By the way I love your blog backround!

Rencher Fam said...

Sorry to hear about the sick guys! Such a hard time for mommy-hang in there and try to sneak in a little rest!!

MelanieH said...

How awful that you had to take Seth to the hospital to get it diagnosed! I remember that several winters in a row David and I both got this lovely illness. The funny thing is, what I remember most about it (besides how awful I felt) was how much fun David and I had eating a midnight snack together as we took our medicine. I'm sure Mom has much different memories though ...