Tuesday, January 27, 2009

On the Mend

I am so tired. The last week or so has been pretty hard to deal with. For anyone who hasn't heard, my oldest, Seth has been very sick and was diagnosed with Walking Pneumonia yesterday after blood work and a chest x-ray at the hospital. It's been worrisome and emotionally and physically draining. And yet, in spite of everything and aside from the being tired, I feel in pretty good spirits. I am relieved to have a diagnosis because that means we have been able to move forward with treatment. He is on an antibiotic now and we had a friend come over and help David give him a priesthood blessing last night. He felt a lot better today--probably the best he's been in a week. He still had a little bit of a fever and by the end of the day today he was wiped out but overall it was a good day and I'm optimistic that he'll be able to go back to school by the end of the week. Thanks for the concern and love that everyone has shown us. I'm sure things will be back to normal soon.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Aww, poor Seth! I hope he did make it back to school this week, and I hope he's feeling a lot better now. Hang in there!