Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dear Carter!

Carter Collage Today my little brother is 28 years old. I went through a few of my pictures and scanned them into the computer in his honor. Most of the ones I have from when he was really little are in a scrapbook in the attic and I didn't want to try to dig it out, but there are some good ones here. (You should be able to see the collage larger by clicking it). Carter has always been a kind and generous person from the time he was a kid. I remember one time he bought me a single of an REM song I liked with his own allowance. We had lots of laughs together too, like the time we sat down together and made a list of possible names for Rock bands. I still remember some of them. My personal favorite is probably "Flaming Corduroys." We also made a Korn music video once. That was fun. He always makes me laugh. I credit him with my ability to say "The toilet is fantastic for a party" in German. When we were kids we played GI Joe's (I was always Lady J.--I don't remember who he and Rob were--Duke and someone else I think) and Transformers and all kinds of war games and stuff outside. There was this kid named Frank in our neighborhood who was a little odd. He had Turret's syndrome. A lot of us didn't really like to play with Frank, but Carter was always kind  to him. So many of my memories of Carter involve Rob as well. I know they didn't always get along perfectly, but when I look at their relationship, that is what I hope for my own boys--to love each other like that. When I think about Carter my heart is full of tender feeling towards him. He is so much fun to be around--funny and adventurous, but also he is genuine and loving. I feel so very blessed to be able to call him my brother. I love you Carter. Happy Birthday!

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