Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Erudite Son

This evening chaos reigned supreme in our household as I tried to get dinner ready and get the house cleaned up because the home teachers were coming. Joel did not feel well and was therefore no help. Daniel just cried the whole time wanting me to hold him and Nate was gleefully running around like a wild man, being generally naughty and disobedient. Seth was trying to hurry and clean the bathroom for me and Nate kept going in there and getting into things and generally being a pest. I guess Seth had had all that he could stand because as I was checking my potatoes to see if they were done, he marched a giggling Nate into the kitchen holding him by the collar and declared, "All this young boy is doing is causing havoc. And  he's doing it with alacrity. (Slight pause) Do you know what that means?"

"What does that mean, Seth," I responded.

"Cheerful readiness," he replied.

My heart swelled with pride in the moment. Not only is my son integrating big words into his vocabulary, he knows what they mean. Maybe I am doing something right as a mother after all.


Heather O said...

Honestly that sounds like a young Sam. He had this vocab box in like 4th grade and would use sweet words like that and still does today. :)

Mauri said...

Wow. He sounds like his mother's son! I think it's about time you introduced him to Scrabble. With a vocabulary like that now, he'll be a force to reckon with soon enough!

Samuel James Dunn, Esq. said...

So I've told several of my college student friend about this and I would say that at least 95% didn't know what alacrity means. So Seth is basically a lexiconical prodigy...I don't think lexiconical is a word, but you get my meaning.

Samuel James Dunn, Esq. said...

yes, friend should be plural, I have more than one.

MelanieH said...

Wow. I'm among Sam's friends--I didn't know what it means. Go Seth!

NO David! said...

Sam's friend knew what alacrity meant from the ankle down!