Thursday, October 29, 2009

Trick or Treat

 Halloween 2009 (5) Tonight was trick or treating here because there is a home football game here this weekend and people are insane. As one of my friends put it, with Southerners it’s God and football and not necessarily in that order. It was kind of lame because only people who have kids had heard about the change so there were basically 5 or 6 houses in our whole neighborhood that were giving out candy. Anyway, I am done ranting. The boys had fun and were safe and that is the important thing I guess. I told them they were in charge of figuring out their own costumes this year. I was already burned out from doing the roller coaster thing blue streakand I thought they’d have more fun without me dictating to them what to do anyway. I did help them just a little with some small touches but they came up with most of it on their own. I think they did a fantastic job. From left to right you see 1. an army guy (complete with night vision goggles) 2. Samwise Gamgee the hobbit 3. A pirate/privateer 4. Elmo. Halloween 2009 (3)  Halloween 2009 (1)

Halloween 2009 (4)Halloween 2009Have a safe and happy Halloween wherever you are!


Darcy said...

The kids look awsome! I need to let my kids come up with their own costumes also because I hate spending money and I hate comming up with costumes!

Anne said...

I was just bemoaning the fact that adults have absconded all the delights of childhood, like the neighborhood ball game becoming little league and halloween becoming a brag fest for "creative super-moms" rather than a childhood delight. I say bravo, Jill, for honoring your children and childhood.