Thursday, March 31, 2011

Temples and Temple—Both Lovely

Yesterday was a pretty rotten day. It was rainy and gloomy. The car broke down in the morning. We had to have it towed home. David took the day off work to try to fix it in the rain. Of course we also got the very sad news about David’s cousin. It’s always hard to know that your family is hurting. After four days on an oral antibiotic and Bactriban ointment, Nate’s impetigo looked worse than ever. It was one thing after another and all the weight of everything just kept piling up on us all day long. When we went to bed last night the car still was not running and we were feeling pretty beaten.

How much can change in a day. This morning the sun came out. It was a beautiful day. My sweet friend called earlier in the day to check on us and see if I needed a ride to take Nate back to the doctor. I was so grateful for her gracious offer. It is lovely to know that people are thinking about you and care about you and are there if you need them. I didn’t have to take her up on the offer though because by this afternoon David had diagnosed the problem with the car and was able to fix it.

As David was getting ready to head back to the lab, a package arrived from his mom. He was pretty excited about his mom’s famous (no, really, it is!) Conference Popcorn,which is decidedly wonderful, but I was most excited to receive a special gift of one of the crystals from one of the chandeliers in the Atlanta Temple.

(© 2008, Clairissa Cooper--Source)

The temple has been undergoing renovation (It is scheduled to re-open in just over a week—have you ever wanted to see inside a Mormon temple? If you are going to be in the Southeastern United States in April, here’s your chance!) and I guess most of the crystals were ground up to be used in some of the new windows. David’s brother-in-law’s dad (confused?) was in charge of the renovation and was able to save some of the crystals as mementos. My mother-in-law thought our family would appreciate having one since that is our temple. I’m going to hang it in my china cabinet and it will look lovely there. It makes rainbows when it catches the light.

Temple Grandin (1)Temple Grandin. She was remarkably well spoken and surprisingly funny.

I took Nate back to the doctor late this afternoon and we got him on a new medication for antibiotic resistant strep. He’ll probably be doing much better in a few days. After the doctor’s visit, I rushed over and picked David up at the lab and we were able to go hear Temple Grandin speak. One of the great things about being at a university are the opportunities like this. She is an amazing and inspirational woman who also happens to be autistic. We wrapped up the day with some Japanese food and chocolate.

What loveliness did the day bring to you?

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