Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ordinary Saturday

The weather has been a little cooler lately which has been terrific but it warmed up again today. We'll probably have quite a few more warm days, but who knows how many times we'll be able to make it to the pool before it closes until next spring. So we went today. Carpe Diem and all that good stuff.

Daniel is such a funny little man. I guess my children don't really get the concept of "laying out" to get a tan. That's what comes from having such fair skinned parents.And just in case you are wondering, the weird lumpiness by his head under the towel is his life vest/water wings thingy.

Nate commented on Daniel's "cute little feet" sticking out. He liked the idea so much  he had to try it too. It did help them keep the sun out of their eyes and helped them both to warm up after swimming in, what Seth called, the "polar bear water". I hoped they would fall asleep and take a nap but no such luck.

I tried to get some epic action shots of the boys jumping into the pool. What I ended up with were maybe not exactly epic, but still, they made me smile.


We stayed for quite a while and had the pool all to ourselves. Apparently no one else was crazy brave enough to go swimming in the not-so-warm water. Then we came home and had a lunch of tuna fish sandwiches on buttered white bread with chopped up bread-and-butter pickles and crisp iceberg lettuce-- just the way my mom used to make them and just the way I love them. It was extremely satisfying, if humble, fare.

I keep a list in my head of foods which I might request for my last meal if I ever find myself in a position to request a last meal. One never knows when such a need may arise. A tuna fish sandwich like Mom used to make has now joined the ranks of other possible last meal requests such as fresh raspberries and cream or a lightly salted poached egg on buttered toast .

Going to the pool always wears us out. Considering the grumpy streak my boys have been on lately I was really hoping for naps this afternoon, but David was the only one that fell asleep before 8:00 (although he woke up shortly after this snooze). Yes, in this picture he is sitting at the computer (with his hand on the keyboard even), but he is asleep. There's something about the Dunn men being able to sleep just about anywhere and in the most uncomfortable-looking positions. This is further proof.

The rest of our Saturday was occupied with football games, baking, some church-y assignments that I needed to work on and a drive around the neighborhood with the windows down looking at homes and  feeling happy and wistful at the same time. I get kind of weird that way sometimes.

I hope your Saturday was filled with all the ordinary things that make life wonderful. Like leisurely drives with the windows down and tuna sandwiches.

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