Yeah! I got my new Cowboy Kid stamp set yesterday and just couldn't wait to try a card or two. The circles on the cactus card were made using a stamp that I made from a scrap of rubber and my circle punch. Circles are tres chic right now. It's so relaxing to me to sit down after a long day and stamp a card or two.
As for other news, our neighbors house was brolen into yesterday. I didn't witness the break-in but I saw the guys that most likely did it. I was sitting at the computer (been doin' that a bit too much lately) and saw these three guys walk up to the house. I just assumed they were Josh's friend (the neighbor kid) and the Police officer that came to get a statement from me later said that they probably were. Anyway I was sitting here and I saw them walk up and I don't know what it was but maybe there was something just a little bit shifty about them but I got up and went to make sure our back door was locked then I had the thought well if they tried to break in (thinking of myself and our house) I could call 911 because the phone is right here. I thought about when David dedicated our house and blessed us that we would be safe from any evil influence entering our home and it made me feel a lot better then I didn't think anymore about it. Later as I was making dinner and talking on the phone with the State Farm lady in Alabama, the doorbell rang and it was a lady Police Officer. I invited her in, she asked a few questions, got my statement made a little small talk and then left. She was really nice and I wished them (the police) luck in catching the people. I hope they do. It makes me nervous to have people like that wandering around the neighborhood--Josh's friends or not. Anyway I thought about it later and thought well at least this will be interesting fodder for my blog. Is that a calous attitude to have? Maybe so, but the neighbors are not the most savory people...well it was exciting anyway.
I feel blessed that nothing worse happened. The crime in Rochester right now is horrendous and there have been 7 murders in the month of July so far. I guess there is a big problem with criminals not respecting Law Enforcement and shootings have happened on a block where the police were just patrolling minutes before. Scary. There is actual talk of Mayor Duffy calling in the National Guard but he says he's not ready to do that just yet. Dave thinks it would be a good thing--it would put Rochester in the National News and that could be really good for the city. I think that for that reason it's a good thing we are moving. I know the world is very different than from when I was a kid but I'm looking forward to being in a more rural area where crime is not such a worry.
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