Thursday, September 14, 2006

Ridding Your Disposal of Potato Peelings: A How To Guide

Tabblo: Ridding Your Disposal of Potato Peelings: A How To Guide

Yesterday, Willie the maitenance man came and fixed our disposal after it was broken for the last three weeks (this was not poor service on Willie's part; it was miscommunication between  David and I  about who was going to call Willie and tell him that the disposal needed to be fixed). So, back to my story: The disposal is fixed and I ask David to peel potatoes while I go change a diaper.

 I come back to the kitchen to find a foamy brown concoction  clogging my newly unclogged sink. "David," I ask, "What is this?"

"Potato peels and dish soap" he answers.

"You put potato peels in the disposal? Potato peels clog the disposal."

"Well why can you put chicken bones down but not potato peels?"

I don't know the answer to this but it probably has something to do with the fact that this disposal is probably more than 20 years old and I sure as heck wouldn't try to put any chicken bones in it either. It's not an In-Sink-Erator after all.

I begin to whine. I want my sink unclogged and you made the mess, yada, yada, yada. But here's the rub: the peels have already been chopped into tiny pieces by the disposal. So David proceeds to try to unclog the sink. Here is a step by step guide detailing how to (or how not to) unclog a sink in case of accidental potato peel overload...

Step 1: Just turn on the disposal repeatedly.

Stand back and watch the cool explosions of water that occur when you do this.

Repeat until your wife asks what the heck you are doing.

Step 2: The "bailing" method. Grab a mug and go to town bailing out water from the clogged side to the unclogged side. Do this for several minutes until you realize this is doing absolutely nothing to help. Proceed to step 3.

Step 3: The dish cloth and garbage can method. Grab a dish cloth. Put it over your hand and use as a makeshift glove while you scoop out potato particles and throw them into the trash can. After doing this for about ten minutes try turning on the disposal again and witness another fun water and peeling explosion.

Step 4: "No one ever said not to put cooked potatoes down the disposal." Boil water. Dump into the disposal and allow to sit several minutes while cooking peelings. Repeat if necessary. Run the disposal and viola!

Step 5: try to hide fromyour wife as she is snapping pictures and threaten to hide her camera if she really does make a tabblo of this.

... See my Tabblo>

1 comment:

Jill said...

For anyone who wonders, he actually did hide my camera but lucky for me I was able to find it pretty easily. :)