Friday, September 08, 2006

Warning: the following entry is long and boring. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery while reading this blog.

Well, after over 4,000 miles of driving, spending over 70 hours in the car, the whole family getting sick, hiking up a mountain, attending a wedding and two receptions, marathon shopping and trying to cram as much time in with the grandparents as possible, I think maybe I am starting to recover from our recent trip. That isn't to say that we didn't have nice time; we did. But, I hope next time might be a little more relaxing because that was absolutley draining!
I didn't think I wanted to leave and come back to my "real" life very much, but by the time we got everything loaded in the car and got on the road I just wanted it to be over so I could rest. We left after school on a Tuesday and returned home almost two weeks later on a Monday evening. Talk about a whirlwind trip! After starting off driving about 27 hours we stopped in Grand Junction, CO on Wednesday evening at about 7:00. I was afraid we might not find a room after our experience in Colombus on the move to AL but after no luck at the first place we settled on a decent, if a little expensive, room next door at the Ramada Inn. We settled in a little then headed across the street for dinner at Village Inn (this was a little confusing to Seth: "We're eatinf at another hotel?") where Joel cracked up the biker guy sitting at a nearby table by asking for pieces of "Larryboy" from my salad. He observed us for a while smiling and chuckling then when he got up to leave he stopped by our table and told us we "have a real nice family." I ordered a piece of Key Lime pie for dessert that although it was not green, was about the consistency of a tennis ball. Blech. We came back to the hotel, took a dip in the pool, and hit the sack. The next morning we were off to Utah and made pretty good time even with a few pitstops to get a watermelon in Green River and to try to see a cold water geyser in a little place called Woodside that isn't much more than a closed down gas station now. We couldn't see the geyser but the llama herd was amusing. Llamas hanging out at an abandoned gas station just seem kind of random. After chatting with a guy waiting for help with his broken down rv we got back on the road and made it into Price before having any car troubles but as soon as we got into price the car started shaking and shimmying in a frightening way. We stopped by and got Dad at CEU and he drove the van over to the shop where Carter works for us because I wanted to see what he thought might be wrong with it. Our fear was that it might be a cv joint but after checking it out carter told us that one of the tires had developed a major bulge and we needed to get two new tires. Easy enough. So, we went with Dad over to the Museum and enjoyed checking that out with him until we could get the tires fixed. He had to go back to school because he had a couple of classes to teach so Carter came and picked us up and we had lunch at Pizza Hut, then headed on up to Provo. We visited with Mom and Rob for a little while and had more pizza at Grandma Carter's house for dinner then went on our way up to Bluffdale where we spent the next three nights.
Heather and Graham's wedding in the temple was really lovely. They both looked so happy and good and the Spirit was really strong there. It was an absolutley perfect day outside, not too hot but very sunny with a few fluffy white clouds. The whole experience was just beautiful. I love being in the temple. The peace there is so amazing and it is such a refuge from the storms of life all around us. There was a luncheon after the wedding and that was really nice too. I especially enjoyed being able to spend time with all the family.
Sunday morning we headed down to Provo and went to Church with Mom and Rob. It was nice but it was the wierdest thing. There was a guy, Mike, in Mom's ward that I knew at BYU from my American Heritage class. I think we might have even gone on a date once but it was a long time ago. Anyway, I know we were kind of friends and he remembered me too. It really is a small world. He has a beautiful wife and a little baby girl so it was fun to see him again and meet his family.
Sunday evening we (Mom, Rob, Joel and me) took a walk to see Grandma Carter on the Provo River trail. It was another gorgeous day and it was really enjoyable to just visit and enjoy the beauty of the area as we walked to Grandma's house. I was actually really shocked the first time I saw Grandma after a year. She has lost lots of weight and looks very frail and old to me. It was sad. I have so many fond memories of visiting Grandma and Grandpa as a child and playing in their yard. Some of my favorite things about their house aren't even there anymore since just last year: the weeping birch beside the driveway was cut down and the back door was replaced as well. I was thinking, I feel about as at home at Grandma's house as anywhere. It is so familiar to me. I dread the thought of it being sold to some stranger in the future. It is such an important part of my past...
Anyway, Monday we hiked up to the Y with Rob and the boys. I was so proud of them. It is a difficult hike and they did so good. I think I probably complained the most but I am also probably the most out of shape, plus the altitude and the fact that I had a cold, you know. Not to make excuses or anything but it was what it was. I kept telling myself, "C'mon Jill you had an almost ten pound baby with no drugs, you can do anything, you can make it up this mountain" and I did though it was with some difficulty. The view is so worth it though. Too bad my stupid memory card for my camera got messed up because I had some great pics. Anyway, Rob said he has some he can send me so that will be good.
Tuesday we went shopping at BYU bookstore (I'll have to write about the girl in the gold truck later because this entry is getting long and boring) and for school stuff for Rob. I love spending time with my family even if it's just running errands. Wednesday I went swimming with Grandma and Mom at the pool where Grandma goes for physical therapy and to Roberts so I could load up on craft supplies. Wednesday evening we headed back up to Bluffdale.
Thurday was packed full of activities: going to see Melanie's new house in the morning, going to visit with Grandma Anderson, a picnic at Liberty park where we met Maurianne for lunch, A trip to the Clark Planetarium with the Hollands and Grandma Dunn and a birthday party for Aunt Renae at Uncle Brent and Aunt Maureen's house. The planetarium was very cool and we had a really great day (well, all except Melanie getting a speeding ticket on the way home.)
Friday we left for Las Vegas. It was a nice drive and we were excited when we saw the hotel we would be staying in. It was quite a contrast to the Roach Motel we stayed in on our first night in Alabama. The pool was gorgeous and warm and we had a lot of fun with the Hollands that day swimming and hanging out in the hotel rooms and then going out for dinner at the Rainforest Cafe at MGM Grand and taking a walk on the strip to see the Bellagio fountain. The kids were really tired but I think it was fun. Las Vegas is quit an eye-popping place. Even McDonald's golden arches are blinking neon and all the fake-itechture is pretty interesting as well. I guess I'm glad we went but I don't care if I ever go back to Sin City (which is such an apt nickname, by the way) Honestly I'm a little surprised the earth hasn't opened up and swallowed it whole in Biblical fashion by now.
Saturday we had luch at the Oxborrow home then I went back into the city with Vernon, Marsha, Melanie and Maurianne to see the Ansel Adams exhibit at the Bellagio. We checked out the conservatory gardens but the exhibit was $15 and I think I was really the only one that really wanted to pay that much money so we milled around the gift shop instead and I bought a book of 30 Ansel Adams postcards for $10. We went out and saw the Bellagio fountain again which is really lovely (especially when the musical accompaniment is Andrea Bocelli) then headed back to get ready for the reception that night.
Sunday morning we left on our marathon trip home which was pretty uneventful and totally exhausting and now we are home and I am still tired but actually managed to get up by 6:45 this morning although that is still half an hour later than I need to get up to not have a rushed morning. So there it is: a long kind of boring synopsis of our trip but at least I can say that I have it recorded for posterity's sake. Keep your eyes peeled for accompanying Tabblogs.

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