Monday, October 09, 2006

Living Joyfully

Have you ever wondered what people say about you behind your back? I have. I don't know what they say, but I know what I'd like them to say. There are several qualities I'd like to develop but most immediately on my mind is living life with zest and joy. Like Thoreau, “ I [want] to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life...and not when I...come to die Discover that I [have] not lived.” I want my children to look at their childhood and say "Our mom was always happy." To that end I have come up with a basic list (because I am a list-a-holic) that will reinforce what I already know and remind me how to have joy. And because I want anyone out there that may or may not be reading this to have joy too I'm sharing it with you!

1. Keep the Commandments (i.e. read scriptures, say prayers, attend church, pay tithing, keep Sabbath holy, etc. etc.)
2. Be grateful-- Remember Corrie Ten Boom? Be thankful for the "fleas"
3. Pray when you start to feel sad
4. Serve others
5. Get enough rest
6. Eat healthy foods
7. Know your limits
8.Laugh--look for the funny side of things
9. Don't be too hard on yourself
10. Do something for yourself daily. This is important. They key is to NOT overdo this. If you are like me and sit around all day reading or playing on the computer you will end up feeling guilty and guilt is not productive!

Have a Joyful Day!

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