Thursday, October 18, 2007

The World's Most Expensive Googlie Eye

googlie eye This googlie eye cost me $25. "Why?" you ask. Well, let me tell you. At first glance you might think that this googlie eye is unremarkable but you would be wrong. No, my friend, this googlie eye is special; this googlie eye has gone where no googlie eyes have gone before--into Nate's left nostril.  I guess that is one of the hazards of having craft materials around the house.  I didn't really think much about it when Nate got into the googlie eyes. I just figured it was one more mess to clean up. Little did I know that he had more sinister plans for them besides just dumping them out. When he came up to me crying that his nose hurt and sniffing repeatedly I got suspicious and had a look. It is quite an eerie sight to look into your son's nose and see an eye staring back at you.  I tried to get him to blow his nose but he wouldn't  and I knew that if I tried to get it out myself I'd probably just push it deeper so I picked up the phone and called the doctor's office. Luckily they had an appointment available just after I was supposed to pick up the other boys from school. Nate fell asleep in the car and when I told Seth and Joel we had to bring him to the doctor's office they were worried that he had been knocked out. I explained that no, he just stuck something up his nose and the doctor had to get it out. Seth thought they might have to cut his nose off and Joel said that they would probably just have to cut it open. Thank goodness Nate was asleep and didn't have to be subjected to such horrifying thoughts. He was already pretty upset about having to go to the doctor's office as it was. When we got there we only had to wait a few minutes and then we went into a room and waited for the doctor who came in shortly and had me hold Nate on my lap, arms to his sides, while she used a scary looking metal hook/tweezers/pliers type tool to very quickly and mostly painlessly extract the offending eye. That was it. The co-pay was $25.  Ten minutes at the doctor's office and one googlie eye later and my wallet was $25 lighter. Oh well. At least it gave me something interesting to blog about.


Heather P. said...

LOL... I hate to laugh because I know that wasn't fun! We had a similar experience at our house on Tuesday, but thankfully it didn't require a trip to the Dr's. LOL, it probably would've, but she used Play-Doh!

Mom said...

I also hate to laugh . . . but must admit I was practically rolling on the floor. I well remember taking Nate's Dad to the doctor at about the same age. Do you have any idea just how fast dry beans can moisten and swell up when placed in the nostril--I do!

Mauri said...

Oh my gosh. I don't think I have laughed that hard in a very long time. Poor little guy, but really. Only a curious little boy like that would consider putting something like that up his nose. Remember that part on One Fine Day? "It's called an alligator--a tool I've come to know well!" ha, ha.

Heather O said...

Wow, that is a great one. I think the best part is the fact of the possiblity of his nose being cut off or cut open in the minds of his older brothers. Thanks for sharing!