Thursday, August 21, 2008

Braininess--It's in Our DNA

So my husband David and I were watching The Office Tuesday night (Hi-larious) and we saw a commercial where the tagline was something like "Efficiency--it's in our DNA." Dave is a scientist--more specifically he is a genetic engineer. He knows what really is in DNA. He started ranting about how he really doesn't like that that phrase has entered the collective lexicon. No, efficiency is not in their DNA. Retroviruses and retrotransposons that have been inactive for tens of thousands of years are in their DNA.  They are definitely not efficient. It made me laugh. I love that my husband is a Science nerd.

Rosalind Franklin's X-ray diffraction photograph of DNA, 1953


Amy said...

Ahhh... life with a scientist.

MelanieH said...

Ha ha. I miss the days of sitting around and having David analyze EVERYTHING. As for The Office--what a great idea for a sitcom.

Rencher Fam said...

We are Dunder-Mifflin fans too! Alan is the same as David. Thanks to Al, our kids just might have a chance! :)

Mauri said...

Awesome. I'm impressed you rememberedd what he said to post on the blog. I don't think I would have remembered something like "retrotransposons." Looks like the braininess comes from both sides. :) I too love The Office--mostly the older seasons, though. Good times.

Mom said...

It's true that David is a science nerd--it's in his DNA! (From the Dunn side, of course)

Samuel James Dunn, Esq. said...

Ha Ha Ha that made me laugh quite heartily.